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Project Box

status: beta

Beschreibung easy template for uniform project descriptions
URL  https://wiki.c3d2.de/wiki/Vorlage:Project
Kategorie  Vorlage
Autor  User:lino
Maintainer  User:lino

Please include this Template on your projects. Please remove unused parameters if you copy the following example. Status and Maintainer should always be present. The other parameters are not mandatory

|name        =
|image       = Dateiname.png
|status      = experimental,beta,stable,obsolete,broken
|custom_status = "Custom Status"
|description =
|author      = user that feels responsible for this article
|owner       = 
|maintainer  =
|maintainer2 =
|maintainer3 =
|location    =
|url         =
|git         = Name of repository in gitea, e.g. `c3d2/nix-config/`
|hostname    = Hostname
|license     = License
|authentication= Authentication method, e.g. LDAP
|server      = link to server, this service is running on

Oder kurz:

|name        =[[{{PAGENAME}}]]
|status      = experimental,beta,stable,obsolete,broken
|description =
|location    =