Pentaradio 2009 06
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23.6.2009: Unix Geburtstagsparty
Softwarepatent des Monats
Hack des Monats
- EFF Posts ‘Terms of Service’ Tracker
- ThinkSafe: A Magnetic Power Connector for Thinkpads
- 15-Year-Old Invents Algae-Powered Energy System
Jamendo among the world’s 100 best websites!
- is a winner in’s Webware 100 list of the world’s best websites. It is even listed as the first site in the first category (music).
- Data Breach Exposes RAF Staff To Blackmail
- .ORG Zone Signed With DNSSEC
- Secret US List of Civil Nuclear Sites Released download
- What a non-neutral 'Net looks like, UK-style
- Hacker reverse-engineered ACMA blacklist
- Internet Tax Approved By Louisiana House
- New fashion copyright bill will let big companies own public domain designs and bury young, indie designers in legal costs
- More hard data on the impact of free/pirated downloads on book-sales (yes, free downloads are broadly correlated with higher overall sales)
- What the government doesn’t understand about the Internet, and what to do about it
- Public Resource's FedFlix digitizing hundreds of hours of gov video archives at no expense to tax payer ftp, rsync etc
- Hacker ‘Dark Tangent’ Joins DHS Advisory Council
- Hacker-Tool Law Still Does Little und German hacker-tool law - Security researchers are put out
- Voting Machine Company Agrees to Hand Over Source Code
- Mandatory censorware comes to Chinese PCs on Jul 1 - Chinese censorware will expose every PC in the nation of malware, ID theft, botnetting
- UK Government Announces Broadband Tax
- Passengers Cheat Flu Scan With Fever Reducers
- Adresshandel: Die Wirtschaft hat gewonnen
- City in Montana requires job applicants to hand over all social network logins and passwords for background checks, now: Bozeman apologizes, backs down over Facebook login request
- UK cop: 'War on terror means no pictures of police vans in disabled parking spots'
- Wo sind die Hersteller von Faxgeräten, die anprangern, dass man keine Faxgeräte-Messen mehr ausrichten könne, weil im Internet Texte einfach so verschickt werden, ohne dafür zu bezahlen?
- Is Privacy An Illusion? Facebook ‘Fans’ Claim Hack Exposes Private Profile Information
- US Department of Defense classes protests as "low-level terrorism"
- Nokia and Siemens provided surveillance tools used to bust Iranian activists
- Social networking sites are legally responsible for their users' privacy
- Consumer groups around the world demand transparency on secret copyright treaty
- Researchers expand clinical study of brain implant
- Atari Sub-Sub-Contractor Used ScummVM For Wii Game
- China: State censors block all Google services
- Hintertüren in Telco-Equipment hinterlassen scheint sich zum Breitensport zu entwickeln
- Illegal e-waste dumped in Ghana includes unencrypted hard drives full of US security secrets