Pentaradio 2008 02
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Hack des Monats Nominiertenliste
- Google's Android Makes Its Public Debut
- Another success in Homeland Security's War on Babies
- Skateboard hating cop caught on video for 2nd temper tantrum
- U.S. will try to shoot down spy satellite gone bad
- Australia may give go-ahead for Creative Commons on public data
- Nicaraguan town wealthy from cocaine bricks that wash ashore
- Radiohead to remixer: naw, it's cool, go ahead
- Starbucks at Guantanamo Bay?
- House for sale doesn't include dead man
- Senate votes to immunize telecoms over domestic spying
- Developers Warned over OOXML Patent Risk
- Patent Troll Attacks Cable, Digital TV Standards
- Smartphones Patented — Just About Everyone Sued 1 Minute Later
- Contentmafia-Sturmtruppen sind tatsächlich in der Mafia
- engl. Staatsanwaltschaft hat DNA-Daten von 2000 Verdächtigen "verloren"
- Finnland - "Kinderporno" und Zensur
- Apple, Starbucks Sued Over Music Gift Cards
- Toshiba To Halt HD-DVD Production 2
- Wikileaks under fire
- Satellite Spotters Make Government Uneasy
- Robot Interprets, Plays Back Dreams
- Courts May Revisit Software Patents
- BitTorrent Devs Introduce Comcast-Proof Encryption
- UK ISPs To Start Tracking Your Surfing To Serve You Ads
- Paksitan blocks YouTube und Insecure routing redirects YouTube to Pakistan
- White House Says Phone Wiretaps Will Resume For Now
- "Vista Capable" Lawsuit Is Now a Class Action
- Microsoft Says Vista SP1 Blocks Third Party Apps und MS KB
- "GiFi" short range wireless 10$ per chip
- Google to Begin Storing Patients' Health Records
- iPhones Produced in China Smuggled Right Back in
- Lawmakers Debate Patent Immunity For Banks und das ausssclaggebende "patent on scanning and archiving checks"
- IBM Wants To Patent Restaurant Waits
- Domestic surveillance goes on despite expiration of law
- Judge Make Lawyers Pay For Frivolous Patent Suit
- P2P Scammers' Lawyers Attack Open Source Team
- Judge Rejects RIAA 'Making Available' Theory
- eBay shrugs off strike by sellers, 13% drop in new listings
- [1] MS will talentierte Yahoo-Devs sogar integrieren.
- 50 Millionen Tonnen Elektronikschrott pro Jahr
- Wurm statt Windows-Update
- Bundesregierung hält "Big-Brother-Szenarien" bei RFID für weit hergeholt
- FoeBuD wird mit Theodor-Heuss-Medaille ausgezeichnet
- Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik Safer Internet Day Die Nutzer sind immer noch weit weg von dem, was wir uns vorstellen.
- IPv6 für DNS-Rootserver 6 von 13
- Heimliche Offline-Durchsuchung bei der Justizministerin
- Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Fingerabdrücke in Reisepässen
- Bayerische Datenschützer halten Lehrerbenotungen durch Schüler im Internetforum für rechtswidrig.
` CCC beobachtet Einsatz von Wahlcomputern in Hessen
- Egoexpress - Hot Wire My Heart
- Rilo Kiley - Jenny, you're barely alive
- The Faint - Worked Up To Sexual
- Son, Ambulance - A book laid on its binding
- Grom - Stupid Boy