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Datenspuren 2004

Vergangenes Event

Beschreibung Symposium des Chaos Computer Club Dresden
Startdatum  08. Mai 2004
Enddatum  08. Mai 2004
URL  https://datenspuren.de/2004/
Motto  Privatsphäre war gestern
Autor  User:lino
Ort  /proc
Veranstalter  C3D2
Teil der Reihe  Datenspuren

Please include this Template on your projects. Please remove unused parameters if you copy the following example. startDate and endDate should always be present. The other parameters are not mandatory

|name        =
|image       = Dateiname.png
|description =
|author      = user that feels responsible for this article
|location    =
|url         =
|startDate   = 08.05.2004
|endDate     = @1084035600
|organizer   =
|motto       =