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Create Assembly: Assembly:BSD

Zur Vorbereitung der Anmeldung ...

Please read before you start to fill in the form!

  • Do not use square-brackets ( "[" or "]" ) within the form fields, as this will mess up the wiki page you are editing
  • Do not use the pipe symbol ( "|" ) within any form fields
  • There is one exception for the rules above. You can use the stated characters within the free text field at the end of the page

Please give links to websites describing your assembly. If you have multiple URLs, you can just separete them by a comma (",").



Official contact
This is the general contact in case of interest or questions. Use e.g. a mail address, website, (DECT) phone number or the name of specific member(s). Please do not try to create a link to a user page. This is not the contact address for orga.



Short description.
Place a short description about your assembly into this field. For detailed information use the Free Text field below. Please do not use any wiki-code except line breaks or lists within this field.


*BSD and maybe other free and open *nix operating systems based on UNIX

Select parent assembly, if any.
If your assembly is a part of another assembly, please select your parent assembly here. The parent assembly must exist and must not have a parent assembly, before you can select it. If you are a subassembly, please note that you enter your requirements either in your subassembly page or in your parent assembly page, but never in both!



Select related assemblies
If your assembly is related to other assemblies, select them here. This will help us to cluster your assemblies to better overall satisfaction. We try to place related assemblies near each other (if possible).



Add tags describing your assembly. You might want to use tags provided via autocompletion or add new tags that do not yet exist along the wiki.

maybe BSD UNIX ZFS Linux

Provides location for sessions
Selecting yes or maybe in this field will add your assembly to the list of self-organized-session / workshop locations. This will allow you and other people to add and schedule sessions that will show up within the session calendar.

The following fields will be used for categorizing and placing your assembly. Please make sure that you fill the fields with valid information, as we only can only place your assembly at the right location, if we know your needs.

Mail contact for orga team
Please provide a valid e-mail address here. This will be used by the orga team, if there are any questions. Also be sure that we really can contact you! If you use a mailing list for contact then set it to accept unknown addresses and bcc mailings (ml address not in 'to' fields and such). You might get dropped if we are unable to contact you.





Things we bring
Please put everything special here, that you do bring and makes your assembly interesting. Especially mention things that need extra space.


banner puffy (of OpenBSD) banner beastie (of FreeBSD) banner flag (of NetBSD) banner dragonfly (Dragonfly BSD)


banner Logo of OpenIndiana banner Logo of SmartOS) banner Logo of FreeNAS banner Logo of TrueOS

Character of assembly
just a gathering space
place to show and meet
Select what kind of assembly you are: Are you either a group that just want a place to gather and hack in the hackcenter or do you want to show your projects and want to get in contact with other people?

Member seats needed.
Please give us a number. For extra seats you might need during sessions, use the next field. Remember your last congresses and be sure that you only request seats really needed. Rule of thumb: 1/4 (if your assembly has ~20 ppl you need ~5 seats).



Extra seats needed.
Please fill in the amount of session seats you need during self-organized-sessions / workshops at your assembly as a number.



Planned sessions
Please give us some notes on planned sessions. A short list with some information like the type of the session and so on.


BE with ZFS


jails and tools of jail management


FreeNAS 10


TrueOS (former PC-BSD)

Assembly specification
want quiet place
loud place ok
want loud place
want sit in background
want sit public
want bright light
want low light
want taking pictures allowed
want taking pictures banned
special requirements network
special requirements power
special requirements other stated below
The better you specify your needs in this survey, the higher is the probability that we are able to find a fitting place for you. Nothing is guaranteed though, we will try our very best.
explanations for the options above:
you don't need to pick any of those options if you are flexible or don't care
1. please state if you want to sit in a more quiet area, if noise doesn't bother you (lounge music, amplified audio from sessions, ...) or you even want to be in a more livelier place
2. please state if you need public access or a secluded area
3. please state if you need bright (working) light or want a lounge like colorful dark
4. please state if you want to have pictures taken of your assembly or want to be placed in a more hacker like photograph banned zone
5. please state if you have any special requirements and describe them in the comment field below

Planning notes
Anything else we need to know to find a good place for you? Special need of electricity beside the usual laptops etc? Wanted neigbourhood? Quiet area or busy area, with people passing by, or better somewhere in the corner?

area of operating systems (derivatives of GNU/Linux and others)

Past congress comments
If you have already been to a congress: Please review your own assembly at the last congress (or the ones before that). What have you done last time? Were you happy with your space? What would you like to change for this years congress?

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Location of the assembly on the map. This is not used for requesting a location but to publish the location given by the assembly team around the wiki and the map.

Put the detailed description for the assembly into this field. This will show up as the content of the assembly page:

All users of *BSD are welcome to share their experiences and knowledge. Hacking on operating systems - especially *BSD - is well seen.

vermeintlich besonders geeignete Ansprechpersonen

Name Kontakt Zusammenhang
S.P.Zeidler spz@NetBSD.org
